Cyber Seminar: Pregnant and Poor: Did Medicaid and Welfare Policy Changes Improve Care for these Women as Intended?

Start Date: 
December 9, 2003

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Changes in Health Care Financing and Organization (HCFO) hosted a Web and audio-based conference on December 9, 2003 to share research results of two projects that examined how Medicaid and welfare policy changes affected patients’ insurance status, access to, and utilization of prenatal care, as well as birth outcomes. Following presentations by Kathleen Adams (Emory University) and Genevieve Kenney (The Urban Institute), Debbie Chang (National Academy for State Health Policy) and Rachel Benson Gold (The Alan Guttmacher Institute) participated in a moderated discussion placing the research findings in a policy context. This Cyber Seminar began with the research results, moved to the policy implications, and then the lines were opened for questions and comments. With our new Cyber Seminar format, we hope to provide state policymakers and policy analysts with the opportunity to discuss these exciting findings first-hand without traveling.

Support for the research projects and conference development was provided by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation under its HCFO program.

AcademyHealth is the National Program Office for HCFO.